Coding Style



Rule Description
1 Keywords are written uppercase, names are written in lowercase.
2 3 space indention.
3 One command per line.
4 Keywords LOOP, ELSE, ELSIF, END IF, WHEN on a new line.
5 Commas in front of separated elements.
6 Call parameters aligned, operators aligned, values aligned.
7 SQL keywords are right aligned within a SQL command.
8 Within a program unit only line comments -- are used.
9 Brackets are used when needed or when helpful to clarify a construct.


PROCEDURE set_salary(in_employee_id IN employees.employee_id%TYPE) IS
   CURSOR c_employees(p_employee_id IN employees.employee_id%TYPE) IS 
      SELECT last_name
        FROM employees
       WHERE employee_id = p_employee_id
       ORDER BY last_name

   r_employee     c_employees%ROWTYPE;
   l_new_salary   employees.salary%TYPE;
   OPEN  c_employees(p_employee_id => in_employee_id);
   FETCH c_employees INTO r_employee;
   CLOSE c_employees;

   new_salary (in_employee_id => in_employee_id
              ,out_salary     => l_new_salary);

   -- Check whether salary has changed
   IF r_employee.salary <> l_new_salary THEN
      UPDATE employees
         SET salary = l_new_salary
       WHERE employee_id = in_employee_id;
   END IF;
END set_salary;

Code Commenting


Inside a program unit only use the line commenting technique -- unless you temporarly deactivate code sections for testing.

To comment the source code for later document generation, comments like /** ... */ are used. Within these documentation comments, tags may be used to define the documentation structure.

Tools like ORACLE SQL Developer or PL/SQL Developer include documentation functionality based on a javadoc-like tagging.

Commenting Tags

Tag Meaning Example
param Description of a parameter. @param in_string input string
return Description of the return value of a function. @return result of the calculation
throws Describe errors that may be raised by the program unit. @throws NO_DATA_FOUND


This is an example using the documentation capabilities of SQL Developer.

Check whether we passed a valid sql name

@param   in_name  string to be checked
@return  in_name if the string represents a valid sql name
@throws  ORA-44003: invalid SQL name 

<b>Call Example:</b>
   SELECT TVDAssert.valid_sql_name('TEST') from dual;
   SELECT TVDAssert.valid_sql_name('123') from dual